Monday, December 30, 2019

William Golding s Lord Of The Flies - 1869 Words

Essay Outline – Unit 11 Introductory paragraph: Topic Sentence (includes the book title and author) The novel Lord of the flies by William Golding is a type of literature that revolves around an anti-war theme. Main Points that will be discussed in the essay presented in order of weakest to strongest: 1. Lord of the flies was written during WWII and one of the manifestations is the dead man in the parachute presumably a victim of a bombed plane. 2. Faction among the group which is similar to division in society when people fail to listen and understand each other but keep on pushing their own interests and beliefs. 3. War-like attitude from Jack and his boys as an innate hunger for power and greed which is usually the root cause of war against countries. State the thesis: William Golding has created an anti-war piece of literature to demonstrate how greed, selfishness, hunger for power, corruption in all forms can cause faction among society, civil unrest and eventually lead to war within a nation and in the world. Body paragraph 1 (Strong argument): Topic Sentence: This novel was written during WWII and one can deduce that the war is the reason why the boys were on the plane and it is the cause of death of the man on the parachute. Fact 1- Example 1 - It was concluded that the setting of the novel took place during the second world war because of Piggy’s statement when he first met Ralph â€Å"We was attacked!† â€Å"When we was coming down, IShow MoreRelatedWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1263 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Paper: Lord of the Flies William Golding, the author of Lord of The Flies, included adults for only a brief time throughout the novel, playing only a minor role at the end. The absence of adults exemplifies how children require the structure and guidance that only parents can provide, symbolically, how nations newly freed from the British Empire’s control would be better off under English colonial power to survive and maintain order before deteriorating into anarchy. The adults of theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies752 Words   |  4 Pagespossible, so a five year old who teases others to Adolf Hitler would be classified as perpetrators of evil. Lord of the Flies is a fictional story about a group of British boys who get stranded on island. The author of the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding, showcases Zimbardo’s ideas in his story. Zimbardo did not form his theory Through the character development of Jack and Roger, Golding illustrates the intensity of evil when one is impacted by situational forces. Before Ralph and Piggy unifiesRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1282 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Golding, the author of Lord of The Flies, included adults for only a brief time throughout the novel, playing only a minor role at the end. The absence of adults exemplifies how children require the structure and guidance that only parents can provide, this can be seen how nations newly freed from the British Empire’s control would be better off under English colonial power to survive and maintain order before deteriorating into anarchy. The adults of the novel can be seen as the motherRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1389 Words   |  6 PagesA response to Lord Of The Flies Imagine an airplane crash. The heat of flames scorch passengers’ backs in addition to the wind burning their faces. Lucky, this crash was over water and near an island so most passengers survive, with an exception of the airplane staff and the pilot. Even though alive, many are in fits of fear and panic, and others are in shock. After hurried deliberation, a lone member of the group is elected leader in hopes that they will calm the panic, and make the hard, but necessaryRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1315 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies was set somewhere on the timeline of World War Two, a war between the Axis and the Allies lasting from 1939 until 1945. Although WWII was fought between many countries in the Pacific and Europe, the main contender was Germany, led by Adolf Hitler. Hitler and his followers, the Nazis, changed the lives of everyone when they attempted to strengthen Germany and brought out all the evil and ugli ness in the world. After WWII, nothing would be able to change theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies886 Words   |  4 Pageshow to live their lives not knowing what s right or wrong. Everyone has a different opinion towards different things. Some say gun laws should be banned while some say they want a gun in their house. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding there are clear aspects of leadership shown within the characterization between Jack and Ralph. I m chief, said Ralph, because you chose me. And we were going to keep the fire going. Now you run after food- (Golding 150). There is evident conflict between theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1672 Words   |  7 Pages The Different Social Cognition of the Similar Stories — Synthesis essay of Lord of the Flies Final Project With the development of British culture, the format of Desert Island Literature has an inevitable connection with the geographical and culture heritage of the development of British history. Generally speaking, the setting of such literature is basically around an isolated island which is far from human society. The characters usually follow a primary lifestyle so that illustrate the courageRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1745 Words   |  7 Pages1954 novel, Lord of the Flies by Nobel Prize-winner William Golding is a dystopian allegory indicative of vast aspects of the human condition. Set in the midst of a nuclear war, the text details a group of marooned British school boys as they regress to a primitive state. Free from the rules and structures of civilisation and society, the boys split into factions - some attempting to maintain order and achieve common goals; others seeking anarchy and violence. The novel is based on Golding’s experienceRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1776 Words   |  8 PagesMaybe the beast is us (Golding 85), in the novel, Lord of the Flies, by author William Golding, Golding uses the entire book as social commentary. The social aspect he focuses on is man’s ability to be evil and destructive. William Golding uses three specific literary devices to convey this idea; characterization, diction and symbolism. Lord of the Flies explains man s capacity for evil which is revealed in his inherent human nature, which he cannot control or ignore. The hidden evil withinRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1119 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is human nature? How does William Golding use it in such a simple story of English boys to precisely illustrate how truly destructive humans can be? Golding was in World War Two, he saw how destructive humans can be first hand, and how ‘normal’ people can turn into savages. In the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Golding uses the theme of human nature to show how easily society can fall, and how self-destructive human nature is towards itself. Throughout the story there are recurring

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ice Develoment Objectives - 1074 Words

Development Objectives for Eng Tech TMICE/ AMICE / MICE and IEng MICE / CEng MICE Introduction This word document contains the tables extracted from ICE 3005A to allow for the recording of the claims of achievement electronically. Reference should be made to the full ICE 3005A document for details of the whole document including guidance on its use. B Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to the analysis and solution of engineering* problems B1 Contribute to the identification of problems and the production of solutions Eng Tech TMICE For example: Application of engineering principles. Possible solutions. Links to codes, standards and specifications. Produce drawings.†¦show more content†¦CEng MICE For example: Reports. Letters. Drawings. Presentations. Exchange of information. Advice to technical and non-technical colleagues. Contribute to meetings. Consider the views of others. Consultation. Knowledge and use of IT. Present your case and defend it. Conduct discussions. Claim of Achievement Achievement Rating Eng Tech TMICE AMICE, MICE IEng MICE CEng MICE Level A K E B Date achieved E Demonstrate a personal commitment to professional standards, recognising obligations to society, the profession and the environment E1 Comply with relevant codes of conduct Eng Tech TMICE For example: Purpose and history of ICE. Comply with ICE Codes of Conduct. Current developments and issues affecting the construction industry. Ethical and professional behaviour. Promotion of the construction industry. E1 Comply with relevant codes of conduct AMICE MICE IEng MICE For example: Purpose and history of ICE. Comply with ICE Codes of Conduct. Current developments and issues affecting the construction industry. Ethical and professional behaviour. Promotion of the construction industry. CEng MICE For example: Purpose and history of ICE. Comply with ICE Codes of Conduct. Current developments and issues affecting the construction industry. Ethical and professional behaviour. Promotion of the construction industry. Claim of Achievement Achievement Rating Eng Tech TMICE AMICE, MICE IEng MICE CEng MICEShow MoreRelatedHobart Corporation: An Overview23091 Words   |  93 Pagesmany years the foodservice market, particularly at the equipment manufacturer level, had looked at the Internet and new technologies with some skepticism. In the latest foodservice industry forecast, Bill Clark, Product Marketing Manager, Manitowoc Ice Inc., stated,† The recent globalization of companies, mergers and acquisitions will allow manufacturers to pool RD resources to bring new technologies to market in shorter time frames. Flexibility in equipment design will be the key factor. Increased

Friday, December 13, 2019

Nutrition/Diet Therapy Project Free Essays

Health is an important aspect for the people as this manifests as the foundation of their lives and welfare. Ideally, good health can be maintained through adhering to a strict discipline and a physically nurturing lifestyle. Having proper nutrition, adequate rest, regular exercise and avoidance from vices can lead to a healthy personal development bringing forth longer with a pleasant condition. We will write a custom essay sample on Nutrition/Diet Therapy Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now Among the three approaches to a healthy living, the aspect of diet and nutrition commonly manifests as the most influential factor as this can significantly affect the general development of the physical body. Healthy body condition can be maintained through adhering through a proper diet even the prevention and resistance to many health ailments such as heart diseases. Indeed, heart diseases are serious problems which must be given sufficient attention as they are mostly life-threatening. One common approach for reducing treatment ad prevention of heart diseases is adhering to a proper diet and nutrition therapy. Nutrition is mainly taken through eating and drinking. The body extracts the needed vitamins and minerals from the food and water taken in to properly maintain the basic processes vital for a healthy living. In the aspect of treating or preventing heart diseases, the value of the foods taken in terms of vitamins and minerals play much significance. Naturally, the origin of heart disease also has other factors such as hereditary as determined from the history of the family lineage. For cases wherein a person indeed has history of heart disease cases running down his or her family, the value of the dietary nutrition can have preventive effects to the probability of the development of heart ailments for the said individual. To further elaborate the significance of the said health recommendation, an actual study health study will be implemented wherein the author of this paper will establish a personal dietary recommendation in relation to his health information. As this author has determined, a significance percentage of heart disease has to be considered, as the problem is present in the family history. As gathered through intrinsic research, the risk factor is associated with the case of the subject’s father dying from a heart attack, which is likely due to high cholesterol level similar to the case of the subject’s grandfather. Considering the present health status of the subject, there is still no sign of heart disease symptoms and the cholesterol is still regular within the normal level. From these informations, it can be ruled that heart disease in terms of hereditary and congenital nature however, a consideration for precaution is still necessary. Thus, this dietary recommendation project will be significantly focused on the development of preventive approach and maintenance of healthy condition. In preventing heart disease ailments, it is important to consider the nutritional value of the diet being taken by the subject. In this project, three particular diet elements are highly recommended namely: emphasize on fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products inclusion of lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts on the regular diet and reduction in saturated fats, cholesterol, sodium and, added sugars. A strict adhesion to these three diet factors is important in the aspect of preventing health ailments as their nutritional benefits are incremental thus aiding the proper development of the body. The health values gain from this diet works mainly in two ways namely first through promoting the development of the body’s health and natural defenses, and second through reducing the likely diet causes of heart problems. It must be noted that cases of high cholesterol level are present in the family background and the likely contributor to the development of the heart problem of the subject’s father, thus, it must this diet recommendation project wishes to emphasize the elimination of this factor. This health diet project has also considered the said factor through eliminating the food sources of cholesterol. Reduction of cholesterol is addressed through eliminating saturated fats on the diet and focusing more on fruits, vegetables, grains, wheat, and other. Indeed, this diet recommendation eliminates the risk factor determined from family history and promotes the development of a healthy lifestyle for the subject. To better realize the effect of the recommendations of the mentioned diet project, it is also important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle particularly regular exercise and sufficient rest. In this project, an emphasis on cardiovascular exercises on a regular basis is recommended namely the basic jogging, simple stretching, and brisk walking. This form of exercises develops the capacity and healthy condition of the circulatory system particularly the heart, lung, and blood vessels. In addition, these exercises also promote proper waste removal from the body through perspiration and the maintenance of the cholesterol level. These exercises must be done at maximum of thrice a week for maintenance purposes. As additional recommendations, exercise done with mechanical assistance such as treadmill and tension bikes is also recommended but not necessary as these will require additional expense for the project. Having sufficient rest periods is also important in this health project. Insufficient rest can reduce the capacity and health of the muscles in the body and this effect has detrimental consequences mainly on the heart organ. Thus, to maintain the benefits from the food recommendations and exercise, proper rest periods ranging within 8 to 10 hours must also be given consideration. In general, this diet recommendation project is not solely focused on heart diseases as the benefits in this program can also address other health problems. It is a general emphasis on this program to develop a strong and healthy body for its subject through maintaining a proper healthy lifestyle. By adhering to a nutritious and healthy diet, a regular exercise, and adequate sleep program, the subject can easily improve his or her physical well-being and natural defenses, enabling the subject to prevent numerous health problems particularly heart diseases. Indeed, in the approach of preventing health problems, the primary approach for this aspect is to develop a strong body through a healthy lifestyle throughout his or her life. Bibliography Lee, Dennis Stoppler, Melissa Conrad (2007). Disease Prevention Through Diet and Nutrition. MedicineNet, Inc. September 7, 2007. Medical Update (1993). Take heart – and save it, too! (preventing heart disease with healthy diet). Benjamin Franklin Literary Medical Society, Inc. Vol 17, Page 2. Mirkin, Gabe (2003).The Healthy Heart Miracle: Your Roadmap to Lifelong Health. Collins Publication. 1st Edition. ISBN-10: 0060196807 How to cite Nutrition/Diet Therapy Project, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Individual and Group Presentation

Question: Discuss about theIndividual and Group Presentation. Answer: Introduction: Teamwork and group are vital process in leadership. As far as the case of Ben is considered, it is ideal to note that the process was better at first but it was not able to meets its intended objectives and goals at last, a reason for the failures if the projects. The case considers that not only does leadership play a vital role in teamwork, but I also has various paths that has to be considered in order to make sure that the members of the group are in-line with other issues that may delay the chores and roles that undertaken in the project (Amos and Klimoski, 2014). This paper will therefore, consider the case of failed projects amid Bens team members as well as the supervisory roles undertaken by Ben. It is therefore clear that despite the fact that Ben was a better leader who was able to lead his team towards undertaking various projects, it is also clear that he failed to delegate the roles and responsibilities in a better way towards the end, and this was a reason for the fail ed project. The Situation Faced by Ben There are various situations that can be deduced from Bens case. First, it is clear that Ben was not able to undertake his supervisory roles in the best way possible during the last time he delegated the roles to other team members. It is clear that Ben should be undertaken the supervisory to all the projects being done by team members. I consider that the members were not able to consider their roles as vital, knowing that the project was a first-hand project that was supposed to be delivered shortly (Amos and Klimoski, 2014). If Ben could be able to undertake this, it could be possible that the members should have undertaken a better roles and the projects could have been well and the project could be a success. The second situation was that Ben could not be able to manage his team. It is ideal to consider that if Ben was able to manage his people in a better am sure that the project could be a success in this case. The case of management here comes with the values that have to be in place to make sure that the team members were supposed to be make sure that they undertake their chores and roles in a better way (Bcker and Poutsma, 2010). This means that management is the most ideal way that Ben could have used to integrate his team using various management strategies to come up with a better solution. Lastly, I consider that provision of better welfare of the team did not meet the needed standard hence the reason for the failure of the project undertaken by Bens team. It is clear that some of the members were not able to undertake the project because they could not be able to get the needed welfare, a reason why the failed to handle the project (Crawford and Nahmias, 2010). It is wise to consider that welfare is a better facet that needs to be integrated to all the employees, this is could be a success story if the above situation could consider better welfare. The Cores Issues There are several issues that are denoted to be core in the situation as considered in Bens case. The first issue is supervision. Supervision is an ideal concern in teamwork or group work. It is ideal to consider that Bens case is a case that failed because of lack of value in supervision. Ben did not undertake the above concern when he placed the members to undertake part of the project on their own and to later merge the project. In ideal situation is that it was ideal that Ben should have informed the team that supervision could have been done in all the stages, individually so that he could ascertain the value of their chores in completing their project (Crawford and Nahmias, 2010). He should have undertaken this just after assigning the members their project. I consider that supervision was the first cores issues in this case and it should be placed in urgent concern in Bens projects in the future in order to foster projects success. He could have also delegated the supervision of the same to one of his trusted and motivated employee if he was not available. The second core issues in this case is lack of Motivation amid Bens members. It can be evaluated based on the case study that Ben was not able to motivate his members in the project. It could be that because of the reason of lack of motivation, they were not able to undertake their tasks. Lack of motivation is considered to be one of the main reasons that contributes to such situations (Crawford and Nahmias, 2010). The case study states that most of the members were no able to complete their chores, for this reason, I consider that of all the employees were motivated as the one who did his project, there could be no reason to reject undertaking the project or not doing the project half way as they did. Based on this, I consider that motivation is one of the best ways to ensure that projects or tasks are undertaken (Herrmann and Felfe, 2014). In case that motivation was fostered in the case, Ben could have a well-done project. I validate that the failures of the project were contribut ed by the inability of motivating his employees to undertake the project, thus motivation is a chore situation in Bens Case. Last core issue is professionalism: I consider that professionalism lacked on all the undertaking that were on board. The members were not able to have the best value in place, this means that the employee did not abide to the professional cores values a reason why they did not complete their projects yet they were told to make sure that they complete the project as it was not only vital for them but also to the entire organization that was in charge of the project (Hoch and Kozlowski, 2014). Situation Development The project at hand is a failed project, Ben was not able to execute its project, and hence the project is considered as a failed project. Bens organization deals with various business venture around the world, it mostly deals with various projects (Hoch and Kozlowski, 2014The problem to be solved is to be able to help the company come up with the needed human resource as well as financial support to be able to implement the project (Hoch and Kozlowski, 2014). This because, currently the organization is not able to keep up with its expenditure because over the past three years, it has been investing in opening new projects around the world; hence faced with a financial crisis at the moment. A reason is not able to hire competent professionals to help in the project. Project Solution The best solution to the current problem that lead to the failing state of the project is two-fold. First the organization has to be funded to support the project and secondly, the organization has to get the needed experts on board. There are various avenues that the body can use to seek the funds it needs from the projects (John and Mitchelmore and Rowley, 2010). It is considered that the two ways of getting funds are considered as the ultimate goals towards the success of the company when it comes to seeking more sources of capital. I consider that the sale of share is the best option for the organization to be able to get the needed capital. The other problem that lead to the failure of the project is the lack of expertise; to curb this issue the company needs to high more professionals who can handle the networking project. Besides, it should also encourage talents creation (Preston, 2012). The latter offers a short-term solution, but the other is a long-term solution to such pr ojects if rendered by the organization. The success of the project are diverse in the case; the company can meet the problems that led to the downfall of the project. First, if the project is completed efficiently, it can support the project. This means it will be easy to get logistical support as well as other information from other branches. Such information includes, specific day to day breakdown of events as well as well daily returns. Besides, it will be an easy communication channel for both internal and external use. Secondly, it will be easy for the company to make research and analysis concerning marketing among other important project issues or concerns. The strength is that it both supports the profitability and work performance amid the employees (Kerzner, 2010). Thus, it is wise to consider that such an undertaking it not only profitable to the organization but also create a competitive advantage. The weakness of the outcome is that the company does not support such challenges at the moment hence it expects li mited employees morale during the project implementation. Training is considered as a continuous process that can add up to the success of the organization or an individual; however, training is dependent on various factors such as peer values and culture. On the other hand, the situation at hand or other factors are considered as vital elements towards training. Therefore, this paper will discuss response to Ben response on converge group with respect to various training tasks The other way that I can used in order to curb the above issue is to make sure that the employees are well motivated so that they can be able to work without any problem. I consider that if the employees are well motivated they will be able to undertake all the tasks without even being asked to do so. There are various that comes with motivation, first is delivery of the tasks as needed and the next is ensuring that all the tasks meet the needed objectives and values that are in place. The other solution that will be used to manage the above problem is making sure that all the employees that are on board have the minimum qualifications as expected of them. This is to make sure that they get to know the professional ethical code of conduct that is related to the projects that they are undertaking. In addition, the supervisory values should be enforced and should denote that basic of the needed cadres when it comes to the project. I should be able to manage each and every part of the project to make that such a delay noted will not be there again. Lastly, it will be important to make sure that all the staff working on my projects are aware of the tasks ahead (Preston, 2012). Bens Response With reference to Bens work, I consider myself as an active experimentation person as well as concrete experience type of person. From the rose garden experience, I was able to come up with various steps that I considered them as the key steps towards my success to the task. First, I opted to research about a rose garden and all that it takes to in planting a rose garden (McDonnell, Lamare, Gunnigle and Lavelle, 2010). The information that I got from the research was vital. This indicated that I was a concrete experience person. Secondly, I decided to meet a group of friend who at one time undertook training on how to manage as well as planting a rose garden. The group was important to me because it was able to reduce the needed cadres. This showed that I was an active experimentation person because I joined them in planting one of a rose garden whereby they were hired to do so. The third step was now to get to work in my garden; I asked various experience friend to come on board to help put up the rose garden. After undertaking the task, I noted that I was very different with other people in the group. Most of the members just researched and went into planting the rose garden the following day. Little did they know that their garden was not as good as mine. From this, I understood that I was a person who depended heavily on experience rather than theoretical issues (McDonnell, Lamare, Gunnigle and Lavelle, 2010). My greatest strength as a learner is to meet people and make use of them as well as manipulating the tasks ahead in all forms to come up with better or credible results. It was nice to be in a group with people that we share the same training style because we could be able to share the interests as well as the difference that we hold concerning the task at hand. Yes; the group training style was evident in the panels discussion. We shared same value it was not that the group was made up of concrete experimentation individuals. Despite the fact that I liked the group, I prefer being in a group with more diverse training style because it would help build my training experience as well as skills. The advantage of forming a group is that it helps in skills building as well as fast execution or tasks. Bens Reflection There is nothing good like undertaking a task in a group. We were able to integrate the course materials as well as come with better understanding of the assignment because of the efforts that each member of the group contributed. It is also evident that the group was split into further groups, this made efforts towards undertaking the task an easy one. I was given a task to undertake in the group. This is one of the added advantage that come with group work. I can deduce that there were various merits related to group work which I was part of. The below are example of the merits: All the work that was done individually was evaluated by other members of the group, as a result, the group was attained the best results ever. During the group was an added advantage in several ways such as timely delivery of the assignment done and that the work did meet the needs and the demands expected. I consider that group work was the best thing that ever happened in my academic life. I was able to understand all the coursework as well as undertake our group work assignment as a team. Lastly, I conclude that if it were not of the teamwork sprit vested in us, we could not have completed the assignment on time, not to say even doing it better than we did as a team. Conclusion The topic selected is teamwork style diversification. I consider this is a build up to my career. I understand that without teamwork there is not organizational and individual career success. Training style diversification also entails coming up with better team skills and knowledge. It helps in building training style diversification and spirit. From the assessment, I consider that I need to change my attitude towards group work. I know understand that without group work their success will always be a dream that will never be realized. References Amos, B. and Klimoski, R.J., 2014. Courage Making Teamwork Work Well. Group Organization Management, 39(1), pp.110-128. Bcker, J. and Poutsma, E., 2010. Global management competencies: a theoretical foundation.Journal of Managerial Psychology,25(8), pp.829-844. Crawford, L. and Nahmias, A.H., 2010. Competencies for managing change.International journal of project management,28(4), pp.405-412. Herrmann, D. and Felfe, J., 2014. Effects of leadership style, creativity technique and personal initiative on employee creativity. British Journal of Management, 25(2), pp.209-227. Hoch, J.E. and Kozlowski, S.W., 2014. Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership. Journal of applied psychology, 99(3), p.390. John, M.C. and Mitchelmore, S. and Rowley, J., 2010. Entrepreneurial competencies: a literature review and development agenda.International journal of entrepreneurial Behavior Research,16(2), pp.92-111. Preston, T., 2012. The president and his inner circle: Leadership style and the advisory process in foreign policy making. Columbia University Press. Taylor, J.W., 2014. Leadership style, school climate, and the institutional commitment of teachers. In International Forum Journal (Vol. 1, No. 2). McDonnell, A., Lamare, R., Gunnigle, P. and Lavelle, J., 2010. Developing tomorrow'sleadersEvidence of global talent management in multinational enterprises.Journal of World Business,45(2), pp.150-160. Skulmoski, G.J. and Hartman, F.T., 2010. Information systems project manager soft competencies: A projectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ phase investigation.Project Management Journal,41(1), pp.61- 80. Suanj, Z. and Jakopec, A., 2012. Fairness perceptions and job satisfaction as mediators of the relationship between leadership style and organizational commitment. Psihologijske teme, 21(3), pp.509-526. Turner, M.E., 2014. Groups at work: Theory and research. Psychology Press.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbirds Essay Example For Students

To Kill a Mockingbirds Essay The film To Kill a Mockingbirds opening sequence gives the viewer an insight as to what the film is likely to be about. The overall theme of the film itself, is evident in the opening sequence, and is shown to the viewer via various effects, shots and sequences, throughout. The film involves a variety of acts, seen through the eyes of a young child. Racism, discrimination and murder are present in the film; however the viewer is seeing mostly the childs approach and understanding of the issues involved. The overall impact of the films opening sequence is quite important to the rest if the film and, one with slight suspense and anxiety drawn in. These emotions are created by the effect of music and its sequence. The music varies, to construct a range of calm or predictable feelings. Viewers are left intrigued, after the sequence, which is effective because they are likely to want to carry on watching the film, so their curiosity and anticipations are fulfilled. We will write a custom essay on To Kill a Mockingbirds specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Throughout the shots of the opening sequence, the effect of music is used, particularly in the shots with the universal studio image; the childs hands about to open the box; and the sequence after the marble rolling. The beginning starts with the universal studio image. Here slow music begins with a single piano. This light hearted music takes the audience to the first image of the actual opening sequence, without the music drawing too much attention away from the importance of the forthcoming images. The pianos music is just there, not for emotive purposes, but to give a slight insight as to what images lies ahead. We then move on to the image of the child reaching over to open the box. While doing this, the child is humming a subtle tune of happy childlike simplicity, one that viewers are given the impression that the child is likely to have improvised. The humming has no real significance to the images, except to show the tune is being sung from a young present child, in a pleasant atmosphere, with no real signs of suspense or uneasiness occurring. After several linked shots of the child humming, frequently, we come to the image straight after the marble sequence. Here the touching of the marbles clearly marks the introduction of an orchestra. There are many instruments all performing, in unison, a joyful and faint piece that fits into the sequence adequately, to create an inviting and pleasant ambience. In this opening sequence, music is particularly powerful and effective, because it helps to capture certain images, to set the scene and create the right emotion. Another dominant effect, that is present throughout the opening sequence, is the product of camera shots. A multiplicity of zooms, angles and focuses capture the image clearly. This is shown specifically in the images of the close up of items in the box, and the marble sequence. After the title image, the camera zooms in to a variety of items in the box. The close up images really draws the viewer into the items, so the audience is only able to look at them and no other possible surroundings. This is effective because it gives the chance for the viewer to really study and explore the items, building curiosity and imagination inside their minds, which wants to be satisfied, therefore making the viewer need to carry on watching. The camera focuses on the images, while it is still moving, but for enough time so that the audience will remember the items, for significance later on in the film. Another effective camera shot is the marble sequence. The dark coloured marble begins to roll for a short period, until it meets a light coloured marble. The two marbles meet with a collision and the sequence ends with a long shot of the two marbles together. When first looking at the shot, the viewer just sees two marbles colliding, but in depth there is possible significance to the several images. .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 , .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 .postImageUrl , .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 , .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050:hover , .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050:visited , .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050:active { border:0!important; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050:active , .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050 .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue8a8d07b84572830fa060233410d3050:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Villainous Behavior in The Truman Show EssayThe simplicity of the sequence is delicate, and creates a subtle mood, yet the zoom in of the marbles focuses the viewer and entices them, persuading them, once again, to carry on watching the film. After the marbles have come together, there is a long shot of them in unison. This creates curiosity, and the viewer is intrigued to know what the significance is, if there is any at all. The result of camera shots are effectual, in all opening sequences; because the camera can tell the viewer how important the images are, by a range of zooms, angles and how to study the images emotionally and logically. An additional effect is the outcome of symbolism. This is shown very powerfully, once again, in the marble sequence and the ripping of the drawing of the bird. The marble sequence shows how the effectiveness of symbolism, particularly in the colliding of the black marble with the white. It is probable that the marbles represent the racism issues, involved in the forthcoming film and how they are resolved. The still shot of the two marbles colliding, is likely to represent the joining of blacks and whites, present later on in the film. This analogy is effective because it shows the viewer a symbolised image that is likely to represent one of the main issues involved throughout the forthcoming film, so, giving the viewer a slight peek at what lies ahead of the film, without them actually knowing if the marble sequence has any significance to the later images. The viewer has to watch on to discover what the marble sequence could be representing. Another effective form of symbolism is in the shot when the child has drawn a bird, and then torn it right down the middle of the diagram. This image is likely to have relations with the title of the film: To Kill a Mockingbird. The tearing of the bird represents the killing of a mockingbird, which we later discover, is a sin, according to scouts father. However, no birds are killed in the film; the term To Kill a Mockingbird could possibly be a metaphoric phrase, likely used to tell the viewer that sin is present in the film. To conclude, I feel the opening sequence of To Kill a Mockingbird is one with a lot of effective shots, that when analysed in detail, have strong relevance to the film. The fact that you have to go in great depth to show the effectiveness of the opening sequence, interests me, and therefore is likely to interest the reader into persuading them to watch the entire film. Personally, I thought the effect of symbolism worked the best, firstly, because it really draws the viewer in, and gives them an optional challenge to dive deeper into the images and study them logically and vigilantly. This intrigues the viewer, and is likely to make them want to carry on watching the film, which is why the outcome of symbolism is a persuasively effective one.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Blindness in native son essays

Blindness in native son essays In Richard Wrights novel Native Son, the characters of Ma Thomas, Britten and Mary Dalton are blind to their surroundings. Ma Thomas does not want to admit her son performed an action that caused a tragedy for the Dalton family. For example, during a visit to Bigger in jail, Ma sees Mrs. Dalton and emotionally states: Please, Mam ... dont let em kill my boy! He aint never had a chance! Hes just a poor boy! (348). Ma is aware that her son is more than likely going to be sentenced to death because he murdered a white young lady, and later denied it by saying it was another man he had left her with. Ma becomes selfish when she approaches Mrs. Dalton pleading for her son not to be sentenced to death. Ma does not take into consideration all the heartbreak Bigger has put upon the Dalton family. In addition, Ma confronts Bigger and tells him to pray to God: your poor old Ma wants you to promise her... When aint nobody round you, when you alone, get on your knees and tell God everything. Ask him to guide you... son promise me youll go to him, (345). Ma wants nothing to happen to her son. Being blind to the emotions of others, Ma thinks that Bigger is the only person who is being affected. She forgets that the Daltons are the ones who lost a daughter because of Biggers action. Ma also feels that if her son were to turn to God, everything will be okay. In Mas opinion, even if Bigger were to be sentenced to death, if he has turned to God, a part of his soul would be saved. The Thomas family has had its share of hardships and this is just another obstacle they need to overcome. Britten is blind when he thinks that Bigger is not trustworthy because of the color of his skin. For example, when Mary was missing and Britten came into the Dalton house to question Bigger, Britten went straight to Peggy and asked: How ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How has globalisation affected the forms of entertainment in Essay

How has globalisation affected the forms of entertainment in contemporary societies Provide examples from a country of your cho - Essay Example This term is most commonly used to describe the effects of international trade but applies to trade of all sorts of industries. Global village is a terminology used to describe a new kind of globalization presenting us with an interconnected world and a global collected culture. Globalization affects world economies and cultural identities. There are several reasons for this increasing global competition. Free trade agreements and economic unions have reduced protection for industries. Consumers can now purchase goods and services from other countries with no import controls. Improved travel links and communications between all parts of the world have made it easier to compare prices and qualities of goods from many countries. This has further developed as the internet has become more widely available worldwide. Business in every sector of the economy are now striving to enter the global market be it science, manufacturing or entertainment industry. Globalization has led to more choi ce and lower price for consumers. It has forced firms to look for ways of increasing efficiency. Inefficient producers have gone out of business. Many firms have merged with foreign businesses to make it easier to sell in foreign markets. This is one of the reasons behind the growth of entertainment industry (Stimpson, 2006). ... When we talk about the effects of globalization on all forms of entertainment in contemporary societies, it is important to realize that it is the global mass culture that we are dealing with. It comprises of new and modern ways of cultural exchange in the entertainment sector which may include movies, music, television and internet to name a few. Accumulated forms of communication create images that cross different linguistic boundaries more quickly and conveniently than many goods and services. This global mass culture has entered, influenced and revolutionized the lives of people in modern societies and this culture of imagery and graphic arts has altered the forms of entertainment, leisure and fashions of advertising. Mainly the Western culture has a strong manipulative influence on cultural values (Robertson, 2008). Globalization especially in the entertainment industry is mainly criticized for affirming other country’s cultures and traditions onto another. People of ethn ic beliefs do not easily accept the interference of different and modern cultures and traditions for it alters their own cultural identity and personality. This can be observed when people’s decade old lifestyles start transforming and with a change in their culture and norms change with foreign influences. With globalization or entrance of different cultures in the world economy, humans try more than ever to preserve their cultural identities and traditions. This diversion of culture comes as a threat to them. But the point is to realize, accept and acknowledge cultural differences and diversity across the world. This is called cultural pluralism. This occurs with

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Research Paper - 6

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) - Research Paper Example Management of risks associated with exposure to PAHS depends on the levels and the duration of exposure. If an individual is exposed to acute high doses, decontamination and other supportive measures should be the basic objectives (Feng, Sun and Song, 2014). Decontamination should be carried out by washing up the individual and cleaning up the clothes. The skin of the victim should be thoroughly scrubbed with soap and water as soon as possible. The victim should also be isolated from a polluted environment to a place with clean air (Plant et al., 2012). Other supportive care such as pulmonary functional tests should be routinely carried out. X-rays to determine the level of damage to the lungs should be carried out also. For ocular contamination, the patient should be treated by irrigating the eye (Whitacre and Ware, 2008). If an individual has been exposed to low levels of PAHS for a long time, they eventually develop toxicity. For effective care, the patient should be taught about the risks associated with exposure to PAHS and how to avoid further exposure (Friis, 2008). They should be informed of the possibility of developing bronchogenic cancer and the additive effects of exposure to cigarette smoke and other related toxic agents. The parents should be made to follow-up periodic evaluations for treatment of symptoms associated with PAHS exposure. Risk communication to individuals exposed to PAHS should take into account the challenges associated with trying to maintain a balance between concern and undue alarm to the patient. This is because PAHS are complex, and hence it is impossible to predict their carcinogenicity based only on several of the components. Effective risk communication should involve a comprehensive education programme on the dangers of PAHS exposure. Medical surveillance of workers who are at the risk of exposure to PAHS should be done to inform them of the dangers of overexposure

Monday, November 18, 2019

Addiction to Percocet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Addiction to Percocet - Essay Example A brief overview of the substance is followed by the sections on the nursing care considerations during the drug user’s pregnancy in general and during the second trimester in particular, and for the neonate. In addition, the paper explores the potential solutions to the issues that may arise during Percocet use in patient treatment. It ends with a conclusion that summarizes the overall discussion of Percocet: its effects and warnings. 2. Overview of Substance 2.1. What is Percocet? Medications that treat pain are known to have been the first line of defense directed against pain and a standard prescription practice across the United States for decades (Cole, 2012). While they are believed to considerably raise patient quality of life, narcotics often lead to addiction and, if overdosed, to death. Percocet, an opiate-based drug, is one of such painkillers. It relieves severe pain, but puts a person at risk of becoming an addict. To make the matters worse, once consumed in a no n-prescribed or excessive manner, Percocet may lead to fatal consequences. Needless to say, withdrawal from addiction is very painful and accompanied by a range of symptoms including muscle pain, anxiety, panic, muscle weakness, fever, insomnia, and nausea, etc (CESAR, n.d.). 1.2. Percocet Ingredients. Percocet is a trade name of oxycodone and comes in a tablet form. Other brand names of oxycodone, along with Percocet, are OxyContin, Percodan, Endodan, Roxicet, Roxiprin, Endocet, Tylox, Magnacet, Primlev, Xolox. Defined as â€Å"  a semi-synthetic opiate manufactured by modifying the chemical thebaine, an organic chemical found in opium†, oxycodone is known to be as powerful, dangerous, and addictive as heroin (CESAR, n.d., Drug-Free World Foundation, 2008). Oxycodone is classified as a Schedule II drug, which means that it has a high potential for being abused. It also means that the medication is currently accepted (with restrictions) in the United States, and may lead to severe dependence, either psychological or physical (Office of Diversion Control, 2013). In terms of active ingredients, Percocet also contains acetaminophen along with oxycodone, which increases the pain relieving effect. 2.3. Percocet: Side Effects & Consequences of Use. On 30 June 2009, Percocet was recommended to be removed from the U.S. market by an FDA advisory panel. Along with another drug, Paracetamol, Percocet was accountable for more than 400 deaths over one year. That was caused by the fact that the overdose of these drugs or their intake along with multiple other drugs can cause death (Hombach, 2012, p.122). The consequences and side effects of Percocet are grievous and numerous. An overdose of Percocet is likely to cause death. Oxycodone overdose may lead to circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest, apnea, and death. Overdose of acetaminophen leads to the fatal condition of hepatitis necrosis, hypoglycemic coma, renal tubular necrosis, and thrombocytopenia. Evidently, a c ombination of two, found in Percocet, means a double effect when overdosed. Percocet is a highly addictive drug. Prolonged use of the drug leads to addiction, when the user’s brain is charged in such manner that he or she is not capable of quitting on their own. Once the user decides to quit, withdrawal symptoms appear to be high, in particular if the withdrawal is sudden. The symptoms of withdrawal are severe and include: anxiety, insomnia, nausea, muscle pain, fevers, and a range of other flu-like symptoms (CESAR, n.d.). A number of side effects that result from Percocet use include respiratory depression, irregularity of breathing, nausea, growing pressure of spinal/cerebral fluid,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Theory of Change for Womens Community Support Group

Theory of Change for Womens Community Support Group Describe the program logic Explain logic of change ( theory of change) that underpins it Who are we aiming to support and why-the target group This program is aimed at supporting a group of young women, aged between twelve and sixteen to overcome personal challenges. As it stands, these women have exhibited signs of social disengagement. This disengagement impacted not only on these womens emotional wellbeing, it has invariably impacted on their social wellbeing, including their school performance. Some of the reasons for such disengagement include but is not limited to bullying, family disadvantages, such as loss of parent, drug abuse and more. The purpose of this intervention is ensure that these women are provided with tools and motivation so as to re-engage with the community and maintain school attendance. Changes that the initiative seeks to support The initiative being proposed here is what Rogers (2008) calls complex intervention. Complex in the sense that it is both recursive and emergence. It is recursive because the cause/effect relationship may be mutual multidirectional and multilateral, Rogers (2008) citing Patton (1997). Changing behavior can be on such problem. There are no assurances that participants will not regress. The project involves different people with different life histories and attitudes. The intervention is emergence in the sense that the specific outcomes and means to achieve them emerge during implementation, as explained by Rogers (2008). This is due to the notion that the intervention is a wicked problem. Wicked in that what is being dealt with maybe a symptom of other problems, there is no right and wrong or true and false and failure may not be tolerated , Rittel and Weber (1973). Process or Sequence of change The process started with the recruitment of 10 women in years seven to ten, aged between 10 and 12. These women were judged to be suitable for the intervention because they exhibited signs of disengagement from the community. The program was to run weekly basis for three hours per session. Two schools were picked to host the program, with sessions run by an arts professional. The classroom is set out to provide a safe environment, which allows for better interaction amongst participants. The women have access to mentors as well. Tools provided include artwork materials such as pushes, canvases, table easels, aprons and oil paints. The main activity required participants to reproduce easily recognizable impressionistic masterpieces. Which allowed for novices to produce own art works that reflected own abilities. Which led to the women absorbing creative skills and aesthetic experience, leading to women to make connection with their surroundings. This in turn taught the women listening, observation and painting skills. Such skills would lead to self self awareness and confidence. Apart from artwork activities, participants have access to two to three adults with whom they can freely interact. The adults are composed of a policewoman, youth worker and a mental health-worker. Interaction with these individuals leads to participants gaining trust with authority and better mental health care and a better understanding of law. The classes also include a meditation session, that focuses on mindfulness and increased calm and emotional regulation. This is expected to lead to self-care and capacity to manage fear, anxiety and stress. The expectation is that this would improve self-confidence. It is hoped that the program lead to change of behavior and hence re-engagement with the community Assumptions According to Rogers (2008) assumptions are informed by beliefs and knowledge. In this project, it is assumed that all the women in this program have an interest in art. While the fact may be that some women do not like art at all. This may be due to the belief that local people in the area like expressing themselves through art. It is also assumed that they will get some support from the community outside the center. Another major assumption is that attendee will continue to practice meditations after the end of the program. Limitations At this stage, there is no support provided for the community surrounding these women. They are still living in that same environment that is causing the disengagement. This might greatly impact on the outcomes of the initiative. Avenues for interaction with other women after the program is also not assured. References Rittel, H.W. J. and Webber, M.M. (1973). Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning, Policy Sciences. 4 (2): 155-169. Rogers, P. (2008) Using Programme Theory to Evaluate Complicated and Complex Aspects of Intervention. Evaluation. Sage Publications, Vol 14.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Masters, Slaves, and Subjects Essay -- Robert Olwell Charles Towne Ess

Masters, Slaves, and Subjects In his book â€Å"Masters, Slaves, and Subjects†, Robert Olwell examines the complex relationships and power structures of colonial-era Charles Towne. Charles Towne, as Charleston was known in the years between its founding and its independence from the British Empire, is portrayed by Olwell as dominated by a rigid agrarian slave society which served as an intermediary in a more complex power structure that extended from the royal halls of London to the plantation fields of the Lowcountry. In examining the complicated web of relationships between London and the colony, and Masters and Slaves, Olwell argues that the economic and political structure of Charles Towne was based upon a successive series of carefully-maintained power-based relationships. CHARLES TOWNE: A GATEWAY TO POWER Power in Charles Towne was centralized at what became known as the Four Corners of Law, at Broad and Meeting Streets, and radiated outward across the Lowcountry. The Four Corners were home to the State House, where the Colonial Assembly met, St. Michael’s Church, the heart of the Church of England in the colony, the Town Watch House, which kept the slave population in check, and the public marketplace, where the commerce that was vital to the colony’s economy took place (19). One could easily see power was centralized within Charleston, not just over the local area, but also statewide. Of the forty-eight members of the colonial Assembly, twenty-eight lived within a day’s horse ride of the city. Half of the justices of the colony, who took an oath to defend â€Å"King and Country†, were either sitting or former members of the Assembly, and all of the justices were slave owners (... ...constitution officially separated church and state, ending the power of the Anglican Church forever (282). With this, the last ties to Mother England were cast off, and the elite were secure as Masters of their world, and Subjects to none. CONCLUSION Colonial Charles Towne had evolved into a sort of fuedal city-state governed by power-based relationships, which established roles for everyone from the lowest slave to the economic and political elite who ruled the colony. These relationships were vital to the success and stability of the city and the lands and the people over which it held power. In his book, Robert Olwell clearly identified defines the roles of Master, Slave, and Subject, and made a strong argument that, right or wrong, this system of power-based relationships was the key to the success, prosperity, and security of the colony.